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Each of the following comments was received, in writing and unsolicited, from the source noted. Given the nature of our work and the confidentiality required, we do not list specific case or party names. Upon request, we will be happy to put you directly in touch with the individuals from who these comments were received.
"A case in which the law was far from clear.....Only solid thing we had was your [damages] study."
– Senior counsel on antitrust case that had settled at mediation, for an amount quite acceptable to our client
"Three experts testified about the value of [Plaintiff's] interest in the company. Schulze's testimony was the most persuasive, and it will be followed by the Court."
– Los Angeles Superior Court Judge
"Karl Schulze, a Certified Public Accountant and alter ego expert, testified on behalf of Plaintiff. Mr. Schulze testified as to the numerous facts and factors that were the basis for his opinion regarding identity of interest between Defendants. The Court finds the testimony of Mr. Schulze was credible and the Court accepts the majority of his opinions, unless otherwise set forth herein."
– San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge
"Thanks again for all the terrific work. A verdict to the penny is a pretty amazing tribute to your professional abilities."
- Counsel in a matter in which a $10 million-plus jury verdict was returned
"Your analysis was invaluable (as always)."
- Counsel in a matter that settled on the eve of trial, just after the deposition of the SHL expert was taken
"I was very impressed with your preparation and presentation. I hope we work together again soon."
- Counsel in a matter that settled, favorably for our client, during the course of arbitration
"Maybe the best I've ever seen."
- Counsel in a matter in which we served as expert, recommending us to another attorney
"Congratulations on the fine work you are doing in [that] case."
- Insolvency counsel, referring to an engagement in which we served in the capacity of responsible officer and restructuring advisor
"I believe the Plaintiffs' decision was due in no small measure to your devastating critique of [Plaintiffs' Expert's] damage model and testimony, and the strength of your own testimony."
- Counsel in a matter in which Plaintiffs filed a dismissal of their claims, terminating their case against our client
We have experience across a broad spectrum of clients, law firms, and issue areas.